How Did the Translation of Texts Into Arabic Affect Learning?
You may wonder what the relation between translating text into Arabic and learning is. Keep reading this article; we are taking you on a joyful journey to learn more about Arabic translation and the learning revolution.
First, let’s learn more about our golden history and the educational, cultural, and linguistic impact of translation movements on the Arabic world.
In brief, the Islamic golden era had a perfect blend of cultural diversity, intellectual curiosity, and a deep passion for knowledge.
Thanks to the rapid expansion of the Islamic Caliphate, the Islamic society included a big mix of Arab culture and the innovation of other people such as Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian, and more. Therefore, the translation movement into Arabic enriched the Arab world in many aspects of knowledge.
The Role of Arabic Translations in Preserving Knowledge
The translation movement was significant in preserving the heritage and the intellectual culture of other nations.
In addition, it was the best source to keep the culture, tradition, and sciences of ancient civilizations and never lose such valuable knowledge.
The translation movement also helped in enriching the Arabic language and breaking the barriers between the different languages.
1] Birth of the House of Wisdom “Bayt al-Hikmah”
The House of Wisdom was the first educational hub for translation and learning. It was a great center for scholars and intellectuals from various cultures, which enabled a vast exchange of knowledge.
2] Cultural Exchange
Translation texts into Arabic had a vital role in the cultural exchange allowing different perspectives and international views to reach the Arab world. Arabic translation facilitated the transmission of ideas, art, and literature across borders to enrich the Arab culture as well.
3] Literary Works
The translation of literary works into Arabic enriched the Arabic world with new ideas, stories, and legends through the translation of epic poems, fables, and historical events. In addition, the translation of Arabic works into Western languages introduced the Arab rich literature to the European world attracting their attention such as “Al-Mutanabi poems”.
4] Philosophical Exchange
Translating philosophical texts into Arabic has contributed to the flourishing of the Arab world in philosophy and ways of thinking. The translation of the great philosophers’ books like “Aristotle and Plato” and the explorations and interpretations of Islamic philosophers like “Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd” was crucial for the rise of Islamic and Arab Philosophy. Therefore, The Islamic Philosophers enriched the Arab world with meaningful thoughts and ideas.
5] Scientific Revolutions
Thanks to the translation movements during the Islamic golden era, the Islamic world gained huge scientific knowledge and contributed to the improvement of the Islamic sciences.
The translation of mathematics books, medicine knowledge, and more had a great impact on Islamic scientists such as Al-Khwarizmi and Ibn Sina. And therefore they were able to build their perspectives and invent new theories.
Linguistic Enhancements in Arabic
The different Arabic Translations had an indispensable role in the improvement of the Arabic languages in many aspects such as grammar, vocabulary, style, and more.
1] The Arabic Language Expansion
Because of the translation movements, the Arab translators had to invent new vocabularies to express new concepts in philosophy, science, literature, and more.
The translators had to borrow new terms from other languages like Persian, Greek, and Latin and then localize them with creative Arabic expressions and pronunciations.
2] Arabic Grammar Development
The Arabic translation of texts had, as a result, a great impact on the development of Arabic grammar. Translators had also to adapt foreign language structures and grammatical styles into proper Arabic structures. The new Arabic structures led to Arabic grammar improvements with new advanced principles in syntax, morphology, and semantics.
3] Literary Impact
Translating texts into Arabic had a great effect on the literature by producing new genres, styles, and themes enhancing the diversity of the Arabic literary environment. Before the translation movements, Arabic literature was limited to poetry and Islamic texts. However, after the translation revolution, creative and new types of literature have arisen in Arabic society.
4] New genres:
- Prose:
Thanks to the translation movements, new prose styles have been brought to the Arabic world enriching the Arabic literature with new ideas and stories. - Drama:
The translation of Greek and Persian plays has contributed to the improvement of the Arabic theaters and enriched it with new concepts and scenes. - Fiction:
Translation of some foreign fiction such as “The Thousand and One Nights – Alf Leila w Leila” and “Kalila wa Dimna” into Arabic unleashed the imagination of the Arabic storytellers and helped them to create legends, narratives, and novels.
5] New Styles and Themes
The translation of philosophical and scientific texts from Greek, Persian, and Indian into Arabic enriched the Arabic literature with new mythologies and knowledge. Translating Sufi texts introduced new spiritual themes to Arabic literature.
The Cultural Identity Shift in the Arab World
There is a huge difference between the Western and Arab worlds in traditions, cultures languages, and more. But with the translation movements, the Arab world has gained many benefits such as:
1] Bridging the Cultural Gap between East and West
The Translation of texts into Arabic has approached the cultures of East and West and evolved the way of discussion between them. It allowed scholars from different cultures to interact and access new lands recognizing more about each foreign tradition, thought, and style.
2] Long-Term Effect on the Arabic Culture
Translating scientific and literary texts had a profound impact on the Arabic heritage for a long time. Translation allowed the Arabic scientists and scholars to produce new theories in sciences such as Alchemy and Physics, and improve new branches such as geometry and algebra.
The impact of the Arabic scholars lasts till the time of the modern world thanks to the translation of other cultures into Arabic.
The Impact of the Arabic World on the European Renaissance
While the European world was experiencing the dark ages, the Islamic and Arab world were witnessing their golden era in every aspect of science, culture, politics, and economic atmosphere as well.
Thanks to the translation movements concerning the heritage and knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Islamic Arab world invented new inventions, creating new theories, and improving the medical institutions, and various sciences.
As an example, the Gondishapur Academy was a successful institution and hospital, after the Islamic expansions and the translation movements, the Arabic sciences had a huge archive there and the Arab scholars offered training in medicine, philosophy, theology, and science.
In addition, thanks to the translation movement and scientific, philosophic, and literary contributions of the arab world to those translations, they had a great impact on European thinkers, scientists, and scholars. The Islamic golden era helped the European world to flourish and contributed clearly to the European Renaissance.
The Influence of the Arabic Language on the European Cultures
The Islamic scholars had an incredible mark on European science and culture, one of them is “Muhammed ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi” who made a great shift in mathematics branches such as algebra, and algorithms. He helped in the transformation of the numerical system from the use of Roman numbers to the use of Arabic numbers in English Math as we know it today.
* Arabic Influence on European Languages
Most European languages such as English, French, Spanish, Italian, and more have borrowed some vocabulary and expression from Arabic which shows the great impact of Arab cultures during the Islamic expansions. In addition, the Arabic traders had a profound influence on spreading Arabic and Islam in other regions.
* Examples of the Arabic Language Influences on Other Languages
The words and expressions of the Arabic Language in European languages are numerous, let’s list a few examples.
On English
English Arabic Meaning
Alchemy الكِيمْيَاء Chemistry
Alcohol الكُحُول Alcohol
On French
Sucre السُّكَّر Sugar
Ambre الْعَنْبَر Amber
On Spanish
Aceite الزَيت Oil
Hasta حتَّى Until/even
On Italian
Meschino المِسْكين Poor
Magazzino المَخزَن Warehouse/Store
The impact of translating texts into Arabic was huge, and it continues to have a continuous effect in today’s world. Scholars and researchers still benefit from them and build new theories, ideas, and inventions.
The translation movement preserved the culture and wisdom of the old eras and set the base for great achievements. In addition, the translation of texts into Arabic helped bridge the gap between civilizations and contribute to the enrichment of knowledge across time and space.